Saturday, January 1, 2011


:)  The song I'm currently hearing is about smiling.  I think smiling is a powerful thing.  Working in customer service makes me a constant smiler.  I'll be walking through the grocery store on my day off in my street clothes, and I can't help but smile.  Why?  It's programmed into my brain that I need to smile at everyone.  I don't consider myself an optimist or a pessimist for that matter.  I'm a realist...more like a realist with an edge of optimism :)  I meet people with an appropriate amount of trust in them.  Don't you hate those who think that new people in their lives must prove themselves?  I understand that not everyone is trustworthy, honest, and ethical, but give everyone a chance.  Just keep your guard up until you know you can safely let it down.

I've found myself becoming less pessimistic as I've gotten older; isn't it usually the other way around?  You're a young, innocent child without a care in the world.  As you age, you notice that things aren't perfect:  people lie, cheat, accuse, use.  So, you'd think you'd lose your happiness?  I think I did get that way though.  I lost my innocent optimism and became cynical.  I put my guard up and watched people moreso than before.  I think after being truly exposed to the world and experiencing some of the more unfortunate sides of life, I was able to grow, mature, and accept what cannot be changed.  I am one person.  Things that have been around forever will not easily be fought by just one.  I'm not saying that I'm just going sit back and take it.  I'm going to smile, accept, and be thankful for what I have.


  1. Perception is reality. I've always fully believed in that. The same thing could happen to two different people and they'd react differently based on their views of the world. I try to be as positive as possible, but I have definitely found smiling helps!

  2. I absolutely agree. People can grow up in the exact same environment but see something totally differently. Thanks for reading!
