I have a feline formerly name Tyler Durden. If you don't know what I am referencing with that name, then you suck! Please see: Fight Club, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, best movie ever.
Other names my kitten is called:
- Lerden
- Ler the Der (as in durrrr = his stupidity)
- Ler the Sker (referring to the word "scurred" aka scared = his constant fear of anything bigger than him that moves/makes noises)
- Little Shit
- Taylor
- Booboo
- Kitty's Stalker
My kitten is very cute and precious (see my photo album titled "Cats." He is the orange one), but he definitely lives up to all of his nicknames. But above all, he is mostly a Little Shit. Prime example:
Two days ago, at 11:59 AM, my usual alarm sounded to wake me up. I threw myself about as expected, trying to make the sound go away (possibly?), but of course, it didn't. The alarm's volume continued to grow to FORCE me to blindly grab for it to snooze it's ass, but this morning I was in for a surprise: I couldn't find my phone. I could hear it though, duh, and I heard the little monster ringing from the ground. So I brought myself to get out of bed to silence my damn phone, and where should I find it but my kitten's litter box?! What a pleasant, Little-Shit-like surprise! I took my shit-smelling phone out and wrapped it in a towel, which was my solution to getting the shit smell to diffuse. Didn't really work, so I later sanitized it, and alcohol got the smell to subside. The Little Shit was, of course, not at the scene of the crime.
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