Saturday, March 5, 2011


Now that I'm done copying all my blogs from Myspace over to Blogger, I'm here to tell you a little story.  This story is copied from my friend's Facebook.  He got it from somewhere else.  It was originally written from a guy's perspective, so I took it and made it my own!  Enjoy:

So I saw this guy at a party the other night, and he was pretty sexy, and so I started wondering if he was someone who hated talking on the phone, and didn’t dance in clubs, and wasn’t interested in cars, and maybe we could fall in love right then and there, and maybe he would always kiss me hello, and always smell good, and not complain that I work too much, and give me the feeling that I can do anything, and tell me I’m good-looking, and make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world, and find it endearing instead of crazy that I love cats, and make me feel like I’m not such a square bear, and not drive an environmentally-friendly car but have a moral opposition to oil companies, and not look around all the time when we’re out at a restaurant, and never stay mad at me for too long, and say my coffee is good at least 100% of the time, and bonk my brains out with great regularity, and tell me I am a good driver, and never talk on his cell phone for too long when we’re hanging out, and not talk about his ex-girlfriends all that often, and write me silly notes sometimes, and say I’m a mystery and intriguing even after he would have known me for a while, and tell me I am completely amazing, and paint my nails on occasion, and not get mad at me when I call him when I’m drunk, and not get scared if I get really attached, and not consider it a wasted day if we never left the house, and have a pair of cuff links somewhere in his closet, and not get mad that I never remember what days he’s off, and make everything all better when I have a crappy day.

So then I tried talking to him, but it was awkward for some reason, so I went home.

What Was I Saying?


Two days ago I was sitting in my class, Sales Management, listening to the teacher talk about how to be a good leader.  I try to pay attention in class because I pay just about $1000 per class, but I was so freaking bored!  I do have a nice laptop, but I have banned myself from bringing it to class because I know myself, and I'd be surfing the internet, IMing, Myspacing, Facebooking, or simply playing my favorite default computer game, Minesweeper.  But, the fact that I don't bring my laptop, does not stop me from getting distracted watching other people on theirs...especially when they're up to no good.  Apple's Mac computers are especially troubling when the owner of one sits where I can see his screen.  He'll just click about to different sections, minimizing and maximizing like no other.  I'd prefer just PC users.  With them, I watch them look through their friend's pictures and look for a new horse on Craigslist, and I'd like to think the negative feeling that I experience is shock that they'd disrespect the teacher like that and be so careless about their education, but what I'm really feeling is jealousy.  I always wish I'd bring my laptop to school while I'm at school, but when I'm not, I certainly know better.  Last quarter I took two classes that took place in computer labs...not one email wasn't responded to within 5 minutes of receiving!

Another passtime I could occupy my bored self with while I'm in class is drawing.  I'm by no means a good artist, but I do like to draw things.  I did draw last quarter in my terribly boring International Marketing class, but it was just a distraction to myself and others; I did end up drawing out my latest tattoo though.  When taking notes, I have your pencil; I have your paper.  I get the urge to draw a car or a bug.  I can't though!  I will get too involved in my pictures and quite possibly get caught.

One passtime I do choose to employ instead of learning is texting.  The problem with UW Tacoma is their buildings are anti-service torture chambers!  I rarely get service in my classes...maybe it's just my shitty service provider.  But, I love a good text conversation while listening to the mythology of ancient China.  Hit me up 253-682-8162.

The real reason for this blog hasn't been revealed...I got so caught up in describing distractions that I forgot to mention it.  Maybe another time.

Go Through


I go through the light.
Missing the yellow.
Missing my chance.

I go through the parking lot.
Pulling in front.
Pulling my hair.

I go through the motions.
Smiling for you.
Smiling like I care.

I go through the same routine.
Dreading the morning.
Dreading the same thing.

I go through the drama.
Telling you stop.
Telling you what's up.

I go through it all.
Not wanting what I've got.
Not wanting anything.

Because of You

Today I got up
I checked on my phone
I got a big smile

I took some time
To look good
I'm late for work


I can't stand still
Time is slow
I clock out early


I'm getting jittery
I speed home

I wear my finest

I keep checking my phone
I have my doubts

I start to wonder

I put myself out there

I act a fool
I'm everything I hate

I take a shot
I take 8 more
I text my ex
I make bad choices
I call in sick
I feel like shit

I throw my phone
I retrieve it quick
I can't stop looking

I feel rage and joy
I make a plan
I regain my trust

I need some help
I can't sleep
I'll never forget

Woeful Wonders


Sometimes I don't know where I'm going to go for my break.
Sometimes I don't know whether to step back or go forward.

Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing in life.

I walk around, living life, waking up, going to work, going to sleep.  Then repeat.  Living the same thing day in and day out.  I feel like yes I do live my life.  I get out.  I have fun.  But then I realize how many hours I spend doing other things like seem pointless, like going to school, like working, like stressing out over dumb shit.  Stressing out over when he's going to text me.  Stressing out over the weird noises that my car makes.  Stressing out over when I'm going to study for my next exam.  Why do people do all these things?  Why do we live our lives daily in preparation for the future?  What's the future going to bring for me?  When I'm old I'm going to revert back to my infant days, where I have to be taken care of.  Where I have to be treated differently.  I don't want these things.  I don't know what I want.

Do you ever wake up and say to yourself, "What's the point in getting out of bed?"  Do you ever ask yourself this daily?  But then there are days when I wake up an hour before my alarm is due to go off, and I basically hop out of bed because I'm ready to get started.

Stress is terribly overrated.  There's no point in being stressed.  There's no point in being pissed or mad or sad.  Why be sad that someone couldn't come over?  What happens happens.  You can't stop it; I can't stop it.  I'm sick of all these depressing emotions from everyone around me.  I just want to be happy.  I want you to make me happy.  Sometimes I feel like no one could make me happy.  Everyone has flaws.  You don't have to learn to love those flaws; you just have to get over yourself and stop caring about each imperfection in a person, even if it is nagging at you every single day.  If you don't like how someone is, if you can't accept someone, don't associate with them.  Easy as that.

I don't want to be surrounded by misery.  I won't be your company.  If you're in my life then bring something that doesn't make me wanna commit suicide on your head. HA!

Contradicting Weekend


Friday night:  I just got paid.  Not that it really has to do with anything because I don't need another paycheck to have fun.  10 PM comes so I finally get to bounce out of work, anxious to get to the party.  Getting out of my suit and into normal clothes takes a matter of seconds.  I chat with Tia and Mia until Andre is ready, then we head on over to the house.

I get somewhat lost getting to James' since I've only been there twice, and it's dark.  We pull up, get out, recognize people, head inside, and chill.  There aren't too many people at this party, not even a dozen, but it's exactly what I want:  a small group of people that I can kick it with for hours and not regret a single thing.  Chaos starts ensuing as the night flies by, ending with a beatdown of Shantelle by 3 men.  They all love every moment of it.  We finally agree to leave.  The sky is lightening as I drive my best friend and Andre home at 5 AM.


Saturday night:  I just took sleeping pills.  I may not need them because I woke up at 11 AM, giving me a mere 5 hours of sleep, which is about half of what I usually get.  10 PM comes so I stagger out of work, ready to go to sleep.  I cut many corners in preparing for bed.  I simply can't handle the overwhelming power of a sleeping pill after a night of bad quality sleep.

I get up the next morning at 5 AM, just 24 hours after my crazy night out.  The snooze button allows me to get out of bed at 5:30.  I get up, get dressed warmly, head outside, and run.  There aren't too many signs of life out in the chilly morning air:  a few crows and one car with teenage boys jamming out to loud bass cross my path in the half hour I spend on the move.  Further and longer I go, thinking to myself, "What else is better that I can be doing?" so I think about how I can extend my jog.  My body catches up with my mind, and my legs slow to a walk for a minute or so.  I love every moment of it all.  I finally reach home.  The sky is lightened as I finish my preparation for my shift at the hotel at 7 AM.

The Best for Anti-Stress


I just want to go through some of the things I do to relieve my stress, not that anyone really cares.  This is more for myself, but if you want to add or subtract anything, keep it to yourself let me know:

1. Run:  This is my number one because I find the most stressful part of most days are waking up and getting ready.  It's all just a routine, you know, take a shower, make coffee, brush teeth, but I always find myself in a time crunch, asking myself, "What should I cut out of my routine today so I can get to [insert shitty place here] on time?"  With all this running around trying to do all that I can in as little time as possible, I like to add on actual running around.  The block that is.  The first thing I do when I wake up is run, always without my contacts though.  Not being able to fully see my surroundings helps me to not fully feel the pain that comes with exercise.  Running may hurt, may take your breath away, it may even make you puke, but when done correctly, it's just a good ol' stress reliever.  For me at least.

2. Listen:  To music!  I also do this while traveling to [insert shitty place here].  Blare the music, take a deep breath, and belt it out.  I don't let people next to me on the road ruin my performance.  If I look like a total fool, good because my stress diffuses as my foolishness grows. 

3. Lay:  After a stressful day at work, when the weather is nice at night still (I get off at 10 PM =/), I like to get home, take my suit and all, a pillow, and walk onto my roof.  That's where I lay back and relax.  Enjoying the night time noises is something that is just relaxing.  Looking at the stars is nice.  The big dipper always reminds me of something; I'm not quite sure what it really reminds me of, but seeing the constellation in outer space brings me back to Earth, which is usually what I need after a rough day at work.